

Readings in-person or by distance, give you an in-depth look into specific issues and a chance to connect, heal or shift energy in times of change, difficulty or adversity. Readings are therapy for the soul.

They are also fun!

Choose from Astrology, Tarot, Oracle Cards, Channeling, Mediumship, Angel Reading or Intuitive Guidance and more.

CALL US at 604-885-2200 for more information and to reserve – or use the button below to book online.




Phone: 604-885-2200
Categories: Channel, Intuitive Empath, Medium, Psychic Intuitive, Tea Leaf Reader, Tea Leaf Reading
Location: In-Person, Phone, Zoom

Elle, Channel, Medium, Psychic Reader

“Whenever you have a problem, if you put your problem at the touchstone of the spirit, the consciousness and the soul, you will be surprised how easy it is for you to solve that problem.” – Yogi Bhajan

Conscious channelling and psychic abilities are connections to Spirit which can access profound healing and guidance. Whether you’ve experienced psychic readings before or are curious, the invitation is open to receive what you need.
Isabella (Elle) serves as a clear conscious channel between the spiritual realms and you. She draws upon multiple psychic abilities including mediumship, Tea Leaf Reading and channelling to guide sessions. Certified in many healing modalities, Elle has enhanced her natural abilities and toolkit with the study and practices of Yogic, Buddhist, Ancient Cultures, and Tribal and Shamanic lineages.
Gain insight and guidance to situations, relationships, energetic dis-ease, and life direction. Sessions can help heal deep wounds, clear blockages and strengthen connections to true power for one’s best path. Transformation frequently occurs on the physical, energetic, cognitive, emotional and spiritual levels. Sessions have been likened to counselling and spiritual and informational upgrades.

Based in Sechelt, offers in-person, Zoom or phone. 604-885-2200



Channel, Medium, Psychic Reader

Barbara, Personal Astrology Charts


Phone: 604-885-2200
Categories: Astrology
Location: Phone, Zoom

Barbara, Personal Astrology Charts

Through analyzing your birth chart, you can resolve matters relating to health, relationships, money, education, career and property.

You are born with a blueprint and are here to be your unique self. How you use these gifts is up to you – astrology provides you with a glimpse of natural opportunities in order to fulfill your life purpose.

Sessions in person at Sechelt or by Zoom & Phone. Please call 604-885-2200



Personal Astrology Charts



Phone: 604-885-2200
Categories: Psychic Intuitive, Reiki Master, Tea Leaf Reader, Tea Leaf Reading
Location: In-Person

Michelle, Psychic Intuitive

Michelle’s ability to read the energy of most people (in person, in photographs, or half way across the world), is as easy to her as breathing. Her work has made its way to high position members of the legislature, RCMP police detectives (missing persons), surgeons, musicians, the deceased, young children who see frightening things, CEOs, the homeless, the intently suicidal, and everyone in between. She is a Reiki Master with a “bag of tricks” including Tarot, Tea Leaf Reading, healing meditation, and if spirit comes through; mediumship.
It is her deepest joy to serve you.

Based in Sechelt, offers in-person, Zoom or phone at the Oracle. 604-885-2200



Intuitive Oracle



Sessions:Mondays & Tuesdays
Phone: 604-885-2200
Categories: Intuitive Empath, Oracle Card Reader, Psychic Intuitive, Tarot Reader
Location: In-Person, Phone, Skype, Zoom

Corinne, Tarot Reader

Corinne has practised the art of Tarot for several decades, and has an appreciation for how this tool, as a language of the collective unconscious, can bring guidance from higher realms. The cards take a vibrational snapshot of the surrounding energies of the question (whether general or specific). Acting as an interpreter, who lets the cards do the talking, a cryptographer fluent in this set of coded information, and a guide in bringing these messages forward plainly and practically, her readings are often described by clients as eerily accurate.
Studies of mythology, ancient civilizations, and vibrational healing, as well as a dive in recent years into Astrology, all inform and deepen this Tarot practice. From personal experience, time and again, she has seen the Tarot assist in illuminating ones path, out of even the darkest places. Readings may be sought for clarity on any situation, life choices, or general guidance on matters of the mundane, or supernatural variety.

Based in Sechelt, offers in-person, Zoom or phone at the Oracle. 604-885-2200


Mondays & Tuesdays

Tarot Reader

Patricia, Psychic Medium


Phone: 604-885-2200
Categories: Channel, Claircognizant, Clairvoyant, Medium, Psychic Intuitive
Location: Phone, Zoom

Psychic Medium

Born and raised in Liverpool England, third generation psychic medium, Patricia has worked and trained extensively in the U.K. and since; all over the world.

Patricia’s grandmother was a very well-respected psychic medium in England and taught her from a child how to connect to the world unseen, providing peace and understanding not only those that grieve for a loved one but also those to those that are seeking evidence and understanding. She is blessed with an incredible gift and offers herself as a channel, to connect with your loved ones and masters for guidance and proof that our spirit still exists after we pass to the other side, the world unseen.

Patricia volunteered in Hospice for over ten years on Vancouver Island providing meditation, company, peace and understanding to those at the end of their life on this earth journey. Her belief is that Meditation is a gift we can all turn to for many reasons and her mantra is: LOVE LIGHT & LAUGHTER.

Based in Sechelt. In-person sessions on Saturdays or distance sessions by Zoom & Phone. Please call 604-885-2200.



Psychic Medium

Isabelle, Psychic Reader


Sessions:On Sabbatical
Phone: 604-885-2200
Categories: Angel Light Worker, Psychic Intuitive
Location: In-Person, Phone, Zoom

Isabelle, Tarot and Angel Card Reader

Isabelle began reading the Tarot at age 17. She practiced reading for friends, family and strangers for many years before furthering her studies. In her early twenties, Isabelle became a certified psychic and healing practitioner from Elisabeth Jensen‘s ‘Isis Mystery School’ in Australia. Since 2006, Isabelle has supported many with her compassionate, strong and wise, old soul energy. She offers a safe and non-judgmental space to all and provides spiritual guidance, intuitive insight or cosmic validation for any area of your life. From working with the Ancient Egyptian deities, Archangels, her own spirit guides and ancestors from India, Isabelle assists others with maintaining a strong connection to their higher self. She provides genuine and loving service with the deep care for the greater good of all.

Based in Sechelt, offers in-person, Zoom or phone. 604-885-2200


On Sabbatical

Tarot and Angel Card Reader


Michelle O

Phone: 604-885-2200
Categories: Tarot Reader
Location: In-Person, Zoom

Michelle, Apprentice Tarot Reader

Michelle is a graduate of the Professional Tarot Certificate Program and currently offers Tarot Card readings as an Apprentice.
An incident in her teen years led her to explore and appreciate the mystical worlds of the afterlife, synchronicities and spiritual connections.
She has developed a deep and empathetic nature that allows her to tap into her intuitive ability with ease.
Michelle’s reading helps you discover what is going on ‘inside’ your life to assist you in dealing with issues on the ‘outside’. You will walk away with a sense of purpose and a positive ‘can do’ attitude.

Sessions in person at Sechelt or by Zoom & Phone. Please call 604-885-2200

Michelle O


Apprentice Tarot Reader

Jo, Angel Channel


Sessions:Friday, Sunday
Phone: 604-885-2200
Categories: Angel Light Worker, Channel, Psychic Intuitive, Reiki Master
Location: In-Person

Jo, Angel Channel and Intuitive Card Reader

Jo’s intuition for others ‘rocks’ and her insight is uncanny. One of her incredible gifts is being able to see Angels, just like she sees people and is eager to introduce you to your guardian Angels, and the Archangels watching over you. Jo can see not only the persona presented to the world but the infinite possibilities of who you really are. She has spent the last 10 years filling her tool kit with amazing coaching skills, energy healing techniques and facilitating programs. When you work together you’re getting all of her; Intuitive skills, coaching tools, her heart, and her passion for letting you know that you can have anything you want.

Based in Sechelt, offers in-person, Zoom or phone. 604-885-2200


Friday, Sunday

Angel Channel and Intuitive Card Reader

Pendulum over crystal and cards

Session Rates

Quick Session


When you have a specific question or need a quick bit of insight. A little bit of information can go a long way.

30 Minutes


A full reading that offers insight, validation, or connection. Great for specific questions, a snapshot of your past/present/future or an inside look at life's arenas in general. There's time to dig deep.

45 Minutes


When half an hour just feels too quick, but you don't feel the need for a full hour. Here ya go!

60 Minutes


An in-depth look into specific issues, life path information and a chance to connect, heal or shift energy in times of change, difficulty or adversity. An hour session allows time for intricate readings such as tea leaf, astrology, combination readings, holistic healing and more.

Apprentice Readings


Graduates from the Professional Tarot Certificate Program have excelled at the practical and theoretic application of Tarot and are developing their skills. Readings are 20 minutes.

Moon cards spread on a table

Sessions are available in-person (we’re open daily) or via Phone, Google Meet or Zoom.

To book your session, please phone 604-885-2200

Let us know your preferred day, time, length of reading, and practitioner of choice.

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