Agate “Stone of Inward Journeys”
- Chakras: Depends on Colour
- Planet: Earth
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Beige, cream, brown often dyed multiple colours pink, green, blue
An ideal stone for introspection or soul-searching and awakening to belief systems and unconscious limitations. It builds confidence and raises awareness. With its Yin Yang energy, Agate is excellent at rebalancing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit. It cleanses and stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity and building self-confidence. Agate is a good protective energy stone that helps the body connect to the earth; physically grounds, calms, stabilizes and improves well-being. It is considered a good luck stone, enhances creativity, and stimulates intellect.
Why Use Agate?
- For intuitive and spiritual growth by promoting inner awareness, enhancing intuition and facilitating deeper spiritual exploration.
- Grounding and stability, particularly when feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
- To transform negative energy into positive vibrations.
- For stress relief.
- To enhance concentration, focus, and analytical thinking, (making it beneficial for decision-making and problem-solving.
How to Use Agate
- Meditation to access deeper states of relaxation and focus.
- Wear as jewelry to provide a constant grounding energy.
- Carrying in a pocket as a reminder to stay grounded and centered.
Agate Stone Combinations
Emotional Stability and Stress Relief Agate + Amethyst
Energy Boost Agate + Citrine + Carnelian
Calm Peace of Mind Blue Lace Agate + Rose Quartz
Amazonite “Stone of Hope”
- Chakras: Heart (Anahata) and Throat (Vishuddha)
- Planet: Uranus
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Light greens with white or cream veins.
Amazonite is associated with the soothing elements of water, and placing Amazonite stones or crystals in your home is said to bring clarity and calm. It promotes universal love, alleviates anxiety, and soothes emotional trauma and inspires powerful healing processes in your heart, mind, body, and soul. Balances the masculine and feminine energies. Amazonite helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view and assists in manifesting universal love. It also guards against electromagnetic pollution.
Amethyst “Stone of Spiritual Insight”
- Chakras: 6th, Third Eye (Ajna) and 7th, Crown (Sahasrara)
- Planet: Jupiter
- Element: Air
- Colour Variations: Dark purple, light purple, chevron (purple and white), light pink, violet, almost black
Amethyst is the “Stone of Spiritual Insight” it enhances spiritual wisdom, insight and foresight. It raises your vibration level and provides energetic protection. Amethyst encourages selflessness, humility, and the release of attachments. It has a calming, soothing effect that will help you quiet your mind, aid in meditation, and improve focus.
Why use Amethyst?
- Spiritual development.
- Personal growth.
- Dream recall.
- Open your Third Eye in pursuit of insight and foresight.
- Increase awareness.
- Peace and calm.
- Psychic protection.
How to use Amethyst
- Wear as jewelry or accessories.
- Carry as a pocket stone.
- Use as a talisman or amulet for protection.
- Place near your bed for calming sleep.
- Hold it in your hand while meditating.
- Connect to the Crown Chakra for spiritual awakening (touch or ritual).
- Connect to the
- Third Eye to enhance intuition (touch or ritual).
- Place it in your home or office for tension-free space.
Although Amethyst requires cleansing and energy clearing, it can be damaged by abrupt temperature changes, prolonged exposure to intense light including sunlight, and harsh cleaning solutions.
Clear your Amethyst using fresh water and recharge in moonlight, (sunlight will cause it to fade).
Amethyst Stone Combinations
Psychic Amplification Amethyst + Clear Quartz
Abundance Amethyst + Citrine
Extra Protection Amethyst + Black Tourmaline
Balanced Emotions Amethyst + Smoky Quartz
Stress Relief Amethyst + Celestite
Love and Happiness Amethyst + Blue Lace Agate
Ametrine “Balance and Connection”
A quartz mixture of Amethyst and Citrine combines the healing powers of both.
- Chakras: Solar Plexus (Manipura) Crown (Sahasrara)
- Planet: Jupiter
- Elements: Water, Air
- Colour Variations: Purples and yellow or orange
Ametrine is the complete balance of the properties of amethyst and citrine. Citrine, helps manifest your desires while Amethyst inspires your imagination and expands your mind. Therefore, Ametrine can help you both think up wonderful ideas and also manifest them into reality. This double stone connects by enhancing compatibility and acceptance of others – everyone is linked, and connected. It stimulates creativity, strengthens concentration and supports taking control of your own life. Ametrine balances and soothes emotions and relieves depression and tension bringing serenity. It balances mental stability and self-confidence and promotes optimism and well-being. Ametrine can assist you in overcoming self-sabotage and procrastination and helps develop a strong sense of your own power and potential.
Angelite “Stone of Angels”
- Chakras: Throat (Vishuddha), Crown (Sahastrara)
- Planet: Uranus
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Colourless, white, glacier blue, violet, grey
Angelite opens communication channels between the physical and spiritual worlds. This stone of angelic connection raises your state of conscious awareness as it facilitates connection with angels, spirit guides and your higher self. As a stone of truth and self-expression, Angelite dispels fear, anger and anxiety, inducing calm, comfort, and understanding while encouraging forgiveness.
Apache Tear “Stone of Healing”
- Chakra: Root (Muladhara)
- Planet: Pluto
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Black with occasional flecks of grey or white
- Primary Power: Supporting times of Grief
The name comes from the lore of the Apache Tribe of Arizona: women wept from losing their loved ones who maintained their honour in a pointless war. Their tears turned to stone upon hitting the ground. Apache Tears help respect the grieving process, negate nightmares, and offer comfort to the bereaved. They are said to ease and release pain, sadness and anger aid forgiveness and are beneficial to your emotional equilibrium. The Tears establish a strong connection between Root Chakra and Mother Earth, inspiring bravery and in transforming challenges into opportunities.
Helpful for healing grief, trauma and difficult emotions. Protects, cleanses, nourishes and grounds. Brings calm peaceful energy, and helps with anxiety or fear.
Apatite “Stone of Reason”
- Chakra: Throat (Vishuddha) , Third Eye (Ajna)
- Planet: Mercury
- Element: Air
- Colour Variations: All shades of dark to light blue, teal
Blue Apatite promotes independence and ambition, helps with public speaking and enhances group communication. It improves concentration and memory (a good crystal for study), aids in time management and is particularly supportive for students and business managers. It is motivational in times of unemployment or retirement. Apatite helps eliminate over-activity, under-activity, boosts low energy and counteracts burnout caused by stress or overworking. It inspires, manifests, and clears away confusion – reawakening a sense of clarity. Apatite balances your hopes and dreams with your daily responsibilities and makes achieving goals easier and joyful.
Blue Apatite, when worn, carried, or used as an elixir, has successfully produced hunger suppression. Composed of calcium phosphate, the mineral that makes up teeth and bones of all vertebrate animals, it also helps alleviate fear associated with dental treatment and surgeries.
It helps overcome the feeling of not being “good enough”, self-conscious and shy or awkward feelings.
Blue Apatite can be used as a dream stone to access the subconscious for creative problem solving, as well as for exploring other lives and karmic patterns.
Aqua Aura “Stone of Protection and Peace”
- Chakra: Throat (Vishuddha)
- Planet: Sun and Moon
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Turquoise iridescent
Aqua Aura Quartz promotes the activation of psychic gifts and strongly amplifies the energy of other crystals. A protective and truthful stone, it can also provide protection from psychic attacks and negative energy.
Aqua Aura Quartz is a natural quartz crystal that has been processed with gold, silver, platinum or titanium fumes in a high-pressure vacuum chamber (a process called vacuum deposition). The gold gives the natural crystal its new colour. Aqua Aura Quartz is a stone of tranquility, peace, and protection from the undesirable elements of life. It can serve as a barrier against the undesirable elements of your life that are affecting your spirit and joy. It calms, relaxes, releases stress, activates soul energy, deepens spiritual attunement, and aids conscious channeling.
Angel Aura “Stone of Faith and Joy”
- Chakra: Crown (Sahasrara)
- Planet: Sun Moon
- Element: Air Wind
- Colour Variations: Clear with a luminescent rainbow lustre
Like a rainbow cutting through a storm, Aqua Aura opens the crown chakra and channels joy, clarity, and truth from the divine. It offers faith and gives hope as emotional clouds fade away and a deeper connection to Spirit emerges.
If you struggle with mood swings and unstable environments you may benefit from Angel Aura Quartz’s ability to align your aura and surroundings. Due to its angelic connection, this vibrant crystal brings wisdom around your heart’s desires and can guide you down the path of those dreams.
Aquamarine: “Stone of the Sea”
- Chakras: Throat (Vishuddha)
- Planet: Moon
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Ranges from pale greens and light to dark blue
- Aquamarine is a 19th Anniversary gemstone.
Aquamarine is a stone of courage, inner power and mystics. Excellent for meditation, it enhances clarity of mind and invokes tolerance of others, overcomes judgmentalism, and gives support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. Useful for closure on all levels it releases anxiety, fear and restlessness. Aquamarine is tranquillizing, and uplifting, it opens creativity, communication, self-awareness and confidence and aids creative self-expression. Invokes peace, courage and psychic ability.
Aragonite “Stone of Nurturing”
- Chakras: Depends on Colour
- Zodiac: Capricorn
- Element: Earth
- Typical colours: Colourless, white, yellow, browns, blue, green
A soothing stone, it has positive mental effects, easing and soothing anxieties, agitations, buried fears and stress. It grounds you in serenity, anchoring and supporting you. Aragonite fosters truth, understanding and an unclouded perception of reality, it uplifts your feelings from stressful oppression into freedom and clarity through its ability to enhance tolerance, trust and insight by understanding the root of problems. Its colour determines its predominant effects as it relates to the chakras, but overall, Aragonite provides a feeling of well-being, comfort and warmth.
Aventurine (Green) “Stone of Opportunity”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Planet: Venus
- Elements: Water, Earth and Wind
- Colour Variations: Pale to dark green
One of the luckiest crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth and increasing favour in competitions or games of chance. It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance.
Full of winning energy it is a positive stone for manifesting abundance. It not only brings good fortune, but also provides opportunities to help you to create your own luck and aids in releasing old patterns, habits, and disappointments so new growth can take place. It promotes a healthy relationship with your finances and as an ‘earth’ stone it grounds your energy helping you retain your winnings and earnings.
Green Aventurine is a comforter, heart healer, and attractor of good fortune. It helps you look inside to discover what truly matters and to trust your intuition to help you make it happen. Use this good fortune stone by holding a piece firmly in your hand while you focus on your intentions dreams and desires.
Green Aventurine’s soothing earth energy balances the emotional body, guiding you toward inner harmony. It calms nervousness, anger, and irritation, and helps dissolve the everyday stress of a hectic lifestyle. It quiets over-active thoughts and enhances sleep. Green Aventurine also neutralizes electromagnetic pollution, blocking out computer, television, and other electronic equipment emanations.
Bismuth “Team Builder”
- Chakras: All
- Planet: Saturn
- Elements: Air and Fire
- Colour Variations: silver metal, when oxidized produces the colours of the rainbow
Bismuth boosts teamwork and enhances your faith and trust in others while offering the energy of change and growth in your own life. It helps adapt to change with calm assurance, promotes harmony in relationships and comforts lonely or distant emotions.
A lab-grown crystal, Bismuth transforms, creates structure and ensures progress. A lump of grey metal transformed into a beautiful crystal that helps you to recognize your true self, allows you to discover your true path in life, and to develop your spiritual knowledge.
Heating and rapid cooling causes the edges of the crystal to grow quickly creating an incredible structure of spiralling square crystals, known as a hopper form. As the crystal cools, it develops a metallic shine of different colours due to the oxide layers on its surface.
Bloodstone Jasper “Stone of Courage”
- Chakras: Root (Muladhara), Heart (Anahata)
- Planet: Mars
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Dark green, greenish-blue with small red blood-like spots
Bloodstone promotes courage and teaches you how to avoid dangerous situations to adjust to unaccustomed circumstances. It stimulates dreaming, increases self-esteem, selflessness, intuition, and creativity, calms anxiety, drives away negative energy, and eases a broken heart. Grounding and protecting, bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress. It helps purify, and keep your energy flowing smoothly and in an organized manner.
In ancient times warriors carried bloodstones as ‘magic’ amulets to protect them in battle and to help stop bleeding wounds.
Blue Lace Agate “Stone of Diplomacy”
- Chakra: Throat (Vishuddha)
- Planet: Neptune
- Element: Water, Air
- Colour Variations: Pale Blue with Bands of White
Blue Lace Agate is a stone of communication, making it easier for people to become confident and articulate and assists in ‘being heard’.
It provides clarity of thought and unwavering intent in regard to what matters most. Blue Lace Agate helps in situations where angry words must be avoided, but clear understanding is necessary.
It is a very cooling and calming stone, endowing you with a sense of peace and tranquility and offers great nurturing and supportive energy, neutralizing anger.
It encourages discernment and promotes the beauty of inner silence. It helps those who have trouble keeping a secret and encourages the sanctity of trust. It is an excellent stone for imaginative children who present created stories and may need help in discerning whether an event was real or imagined.
Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence.
Blue Topaz “Stone of Serenity”
- Chakra: Throat (Vishuddha)
- Planet: Jupiter
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Sky blue or Caribbean Ocean Blue
Associated with tranquility and serenity it is believed to bring about emotional balance, promoting inner peace and a sense of calmness. Blue Topaz is believed to stimulate communication, creativity, and the ability to communicate ideas clearly and effectively.
Encouraging truth, forgiveness and a sense of worthiness. Blue Topaz accesses wisdom, promotes communication, and guides you to your ideal path of success and opportunity. It alleviates fear and worry, and invites you to embrace and trust your whole self, preventing overwhelm or procrastination. Find your good fortune and relax your body, mind and spirit.
Bumble Bee Jasper “Stone of Possibilities”
- Chakra: Solar Plexus (Manipura)
- Planet: Sun
- Elements: Fire
- Colour Variations: Vivid yellows, oranges, black, and grays
Bumble Bee Jasper is a fibrously grown calcite. The orange and yellow colours are mainly caused by finely dispersed realgar also known as Ruby Sulphur while the black stain is caused by pyrite creating the ‘bumble bee’ colours. It contains little or no quartz and is therefore not technically a Jasper.
Bumble Bee Jasper has a happy and empowering energy that helps you to make positive changes in your life. It resonates with joyful, innovative, and interconnected energy.
Excellent for strengthening family and community and to assist in setting healthy boundaries. It improves the way we value ourselves and our ability to wield our power.
It says “yes!” to what seems impossible and stimulates your curiosity and creative potential. Bumblebee Jasper is an inspirational stone of action. It removes negative vibes so happiness and joy create your buzz!
Note: Bumble Bee Jasper has a ‘sting’. It contains sulphur and arsenic. Minerals with traces of toxic elements are safe to handle especially once polished. The danger comes from inhaling their dust or microscopic fibres while processing the stones.
Calcite “Stone of Amplification”
- Chakra: Green/Pink=Heart, Orange=Solar Plexus, Blue=Throat
- Planet: Green=Moon, Orange=Sun, Blue/Pink=Venus
- Element: Green/Pink=Earth, Orange=Sun, Blue=Water
- Colour Variations: Green, Orange, Honey, Blue, Pink
Calcite, available in various shades, is a carbonate mineral believed to increase and amplify healing energy, learning, and awareness. It is celebrated for its ability to clear out blockages, activate chakras, and prepare the body, mind, and spirit for higher spiritual connection. It is a physical and spiritual cleanser that changes perspective and renews commitment to making change.
Calcite is known to radiate positivity, amplify energy, and protect the user from negativity, while also fostering emotional intelligence and mental clarity. It amplifies positive energy. Facilitates psychic abilities, channelling, and out-of-body experiences, helps retain information and boosts memory.
Carnelian “Sunset Stone”
- Chakras: Root (Muladhara) Sacral (Svadhisthana)
- Planet: Mars
- Element: Fire
- Colour Variations: Reds, Reddish-brown, Orange, Clear to Translucent Black
Carnelian enhances self-esteem, boosts creativity and increases motivation toward action. A stabilizing stone, Carnelian gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates success. It helps in trusting yourself and enhances self-esteem by overcoming negative conditioning and encouraging steadfastness. Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Protects against envy, and resentment, calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life. Carnelian boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality.
Celestite “Lullaby Stone”
- Chakras: Throat (Vishuddha), Third Eye (Ajna) Crown (Sahasrara)
- Planets: Venus and Neptune
- Element: Air
- Colour Variations: Soft pale blue, white
Celestite’s soothing properties promote peace and calm. It relieves stress and anxiety, acts as an anti-depressant, and puts your body at ease so you can truly relax and rest – like a lullaby for your soul – making it a fabulous crystal for sleep.
The heavenly aspects of Celestite enable contact and communication with higher realms, celestial beings, guardian angels or spirit guides. It opens and enhances psychic abilities deepest intuition and infinite wisdom. Through peaceful sleep, you may find a connection to angelic or prophetic dreams. It promotes trust and infinite wisdom including humour.
Chrysocolla “Stone of Monks”
- Chakras: 5th Throat (Vishuddha) and 4th Heart (Anahata)
- Planet: Mercury
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Blue, blue-green, green, turquoise
Chrysocolla calms cleanses and re-energizes while it alleviates guilt, heals heartache and increases the capacity to love and experience joy. Chrysocolla improves communication and teaches the value of both expression and the virtue of keeping silent. One can speak and say nothing, or remain silent and speak volumes. In relationships, it alleviates negative energies, promotes truth-telling and impartiality in rocky relationships and situations and provides you with stability, acceptance and great inner strength.
As a teaching stone, Chrysocolla encourages you to share your knowledge so that others may benefit from your experiences. This may come in the form of speaking lovingly to a friend and offering insight, or as a teacher; it is a valuable tool for those who speak for a living. Chrysocolla calms emotional stress while encouraging inspiration by combining creative ideas with new practical applications.
Chrysocolla has an odd property that encourages people to be happy to stay at home. The stone of monks, and hermits it promotes contentment and the comfort of being yourself, in your own body – diminishing the anxiety and depression that often accompanies seclusion. It encourages self-awareness and inner balance, imparts confidence and sensitivity, enhances personal power and inspires creativity.
Why use Chrysocolla?
- Better communication.
- Induce calm emotions and relieve stress.
- Release negative thoughts and feelings, and in promote positive ones.
- Improve self-esteem or confidence.
- Become more comfortable in your own skin.
- Soothe and inspire.
How to use Chrysocolla
- Wear as jewelry.
- Carry in a pocket or purse.
- Place in an area where it will be seen frequently.
- Use in meditation or place on your body during a massage.
To cleanse and restore the energy of Chrysocolla, place on a slab or near a selenite wand or charging plate for several hours or overnight. Sound, salt and smudge can be used. Water is not recommended as it can negatively impact the water.
Stone Combinations:
Emotional Balance: Chrysocolla + Malachite
Self Reflection: Chrysocolla + Lapis Lazuli
Personal Challenges: Chrysocolla + Moss Agate
Soothing Communication: Chrysocolla + Blue Lace Agate
Peace and Calm: Chrysocolla + Amethyst
Citrine “Sunshine Stone”
- Chakra: 3rd, Solar Plexus, Manipura
- Planet: Sun
- Element: Fire
- Colour Variations: Yellow and gold with white
This ‘happy’ stone invokes action and attracts wealth, abundance, success, and prosperity into your life. It helps learn self-confidence, activates creativity and empowers. Citrine is a cleanser, motivator, regenerator and inspires joy and peace and happiness.
Citrine will increase confidence and self-esteem, as well as provide clarity in decision-making. It can also help clear away any blockages or obstacles that may prevent you from achieving your goals or dreams.
Citrine helps remove destructive tendencies, depression, fears and phobias.
Clear Quartz “Master Stone”
- Chakra: 7th, Crown (Sahasrara)
- Planet: Sun
- Elements: Earth/Fire/Air/Water
- Colour: Colourless (transparent) to White (opaque)
A great crystal for just about everything. Supports any purpose and strengthens the power and energy of other crystals. Once thought to be solidified light, it amplifies power and pure clean positive energy while removing negativity and promotes harmony and cooperation.
It likewise amplifies your psychic gifts and the power of prayer making it excellent for meditation and accessing higher self and guides.
Clear Quartz enhances mental clarity, helps with emotional stability, and is popular in meditation and restorative work. It is also often used for manifestation and can help create more focus and clarity around a desire by energizing your intentions, goals, affirmations and manifestations.
Clear Quartz amplifies energy and thought. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and reduces negative energy of all kinds (and therefore needs cleansing). It balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances your psychic abilities, aids concentration and unlocks memory.
A worthwhile tool for focusing and energizing your intentions, goals, affirmations and manifestations. Clear Quartz provides clarity and strength for your spiritual life. It reveals your spiritual purpose and the truth of who you are.
It allows you to access your own pure energy and invites you to be less judgmental and emotional, and more discerning and honest. With its help, you see the truth clearly. Clear Quartz helps you recognize the uplifting beliefs and positive choices that serve you well. It shows you where growth is still needed and what you need to do to create the happiest and healthiest life possible.
Why use Clear Quartz?
- Good for everything
- Amplifies pure clean positive energy
- Removes negativity
- Promotes harmony and cooperation
- Enhances mental clarity
- Amplifies energy and thought
- Helps with emotional stability
- Enhances Spiritual connections
- Promotes psychic development
How to use Clear Quartz
- Place near a doorway, on a table or where needed as a barrier to absorb negative energy
- Keep it in your pocket
- Place with psychic tools geared towards higher self, guides and spiritual connections
- Use with intention or prayer-based rituals
- Wear as jewelry
- Use in tandem with affirmations
Clear Quartz requires cleansing and energy clearing. Place your clear Quartz outside in the rain, soak in a bowl of saltwater, bury underground for 24 hours, or smudge with sage or palo santo. Place in the light of a full moon to recharge a store with a cleansing crystal such as Selenite or Kyanite
Stone Combinations
Clear Quartz will amplify the properties of ANY stone it is combined with.
Positive Vibes: Clear Quartz + Citrine
Harmony: Clear Quartz + Lepidolite
Psychic Development: Clear Quartz + Lapis Lazuli
Contact with Guides or Higher Self: Clear Quartz + Amethyst
Desert Rose “Stone of Direction”
- Chakra: Solar Plexus (Manipura)
- Planet: Earth
- Elements: Earth, Water, Wind (air)
- Colour Variations: Light-Brown, brown, beige, white
Desert Rose helps you find a path to the manifestation of your dreams, plans and choices of direction. Desert Rose inspires focus, commitment and perseverance and guides you to step beyond any obstacle life puts before you. It encourages flexibility in thinking, boosts confidence and elevates the sense of self-worth.
Due to its Selenite properties, Desert Rose is a great cleansing stone and can clear the energy from your crystal collection.
Believed to bring luck, prosperity, success, and joy into one’s life, Desert Rose also helps release emotional baggage and encourage spiritual growth. These crystals are powerful tools for meditation and visualization work as well, aiding one in connecting with their higher self or spirit guides.
Desert Rose is a true ally that brings harmony, balance, wisdom and passion for living, guiding you to a life that is centered, calm and motivated by love.
Dragon Blood Stone “Warrior Stone”
- Chakra: Root (Muladhara), Heart (Aahata)
- Planet: Earth
- Elements: Earth, Water, Air
- Colour Variations: Shades of green with red viens
Unlocks your heart and vaults your pioneering power to overcome invisible fear or anxiety and embrace life with passion.
The dragon is a symbol of wisdom, fortitude, and protection. This stone embodies the fiery, persistent power of the dragon.
Promotes prosperity, strength, courage, leadership and fertility. Aids in focus, determination and willpower. Connects to your inner warrior and adventurer.
Emerald “Stone of Eternal Love”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Planet: Venus
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Light to dark green
A gem of love, friendship, peace, harmony, and domestic bliss by enhancing giving and receiving unconditional love. It inspires, balances and offers patience. Emerald is a heart chakra stone, meaning that it helps to open your heart and dissolve any roadblocks to love and self-care in your way.
With life-giving energy, Emerald revives passion, promotes healthy self-esteem, calms emotions, and stimulates thought, focus, creativity and life purpose with a passion.
Fluorite “Genius Stone”
- Chakras: Heart (Anahata), Throat (Vishuddha), Third Eye (Ajna)
- Planet: Mercury
- Element: Air
- Colour Variations: Rainbow bands of purple, green, clear or blue-green, green, yellow, brownish-yellow
Fluorite is known to promote mental achievement and discernment, spotlight aptitude, motivate organization and inspire learning. It removes mental and creative blocks and encourages open-minded thinking.
Fluorite has a stabilizing effect on emotions and expands consciousness. Fluorite encourages us to stay in the present moment while strengthening the link between mind and spirit and spiritual and psychic awareness.
Known for clarity and mental enhancement its ability to assist in clearing negative energy while aiding in decision-making has established this as a favourable stone to work with. Sometimes called a “psychic vacuum cleaner”, it clears the negativity in your auric field and removes any “cloudy thoughts”. Fluorite will give the user the mental capacity to empty their mind so they can think freely. It is highly recommended for people who have trouble navigating life and will assist in making the right decisions.
Fuchsite “Stone of Fairies”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Planet: Mercury
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Pale to medium green with mica sparkles and bits of brown
Sparkling with blissful magic this stone is a variety of mica with chromium inclusions. Fuchsite is also known as the peace stone. It can settle you into a very relaxed state calming your physical, mental and emotional bodies.
Fuchsite is also a healer’s stone used by shamans and sages throughout the ages to find the root cause of disease and to facilitate deep healing. Fuchsite also enhances happiness, blessings, miracles and joy. Fairy sparkles connect to angelic realms and protect from negative vibes.
Garnet “Stone of Love and Friendship”
- Chakras: Root (Muladhara), Sacral (Svadhisthana)
- Planet: Mars
- Element: Fire
- Colour Variations: Deep red, burgundy brown and black
A symbol of love and friendship Red Garnet enhances warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, commitment, sincerity and honesty in a relationship. It helps to control anger, including self-anger and aids in the healing of broken bonds of trust, friendship and love.
With an ancient analogy to blood, Red Garnet is believed to counter melancholy and stir the heart to great deeds. It balances the sex drive, and activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope. Red Garnet revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.
Golden Healer “Master Healer”
- Chakra: Solar Plexus (Manipura)
- Planet: Sun
- Elements: Fire
- Colour Variations: Light yellow to deep golden brown
Golden Healer can cleanse all the chakras while aligning the lower and higher chakras preparing you for healing and helping with manifestation. Its amplifying properties make it a perfect tool to program with a specific intention. Just like having a piece of the sun, Golden Healer brings light, and bright energy to warm your heart and balance your body, mind, and spirit with joy.
Being a crystal of success, Golden Healer can unlock your highest potential, opening you to new possibilities while increasing your courage and determination. It inspires you to live life to the fullest and to accomplish all your goals with love and positivity.
It transforms negative energy into positive Universal love and reduces cravings and negative habits. Golden Healer raises frequencies to connect to other realms, releases unwanted energies or blockages and restores balance, harmony and peace.
Green Chromium “Stone of Contentment”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: soft greens may be punctuated with deep green points and white flecks
This Lab-grown crystal is created when Clear Quartz is heated under high-powered water and infused with Chromium (a lustrous, hard metal) causing a green effect.
Used to centre and balance your Heart and to reconnect you to the sweetness of life with soothing, calm healing, flow, and harmony. It represents new beginnings, growth, and abundance.
As a Heart Chakra stone, it leads to achieving peace and joy without being dependent on others. It helps you recognize your own errors – to see where things went wrong and provides clarity to the path of balance and correction, A sense of contentment evolves as love grows and problems are solved.
Hematite “Grounding Stone”
- Chakra: Root (Muldahara)
- Planet: Mars
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Black, steel or silver-grey, brown to reddish brown, or red
Hematite is one of the most powerful grounding stones in the mineral kingdom, intended to root your body and mind back to Earth. This stone helps focus your thoughts and actions on those that matter to you most.
Hematite grounds and protects you, making you feel safe and secure, which in turn gives you the strength to create healthy boundaries energetically and emotionally. It endows you with courage, endurance and vitality. Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought.
Rooting yourself into the present moment with Hematite helps show you solid and achievable steps in your choice of direction.
Howlite “Stone of Patience”
- Chakra: Crown (Sahasrara)
- Element: Air
- Colour Variations: White or cream with grey and black veins
Super-calming, relieves stress, invokes tranquility. Excellent insomnia antidote, and quiets an overactive mind. Howlite helps you to slow down and harness a sense of patience. It is particularly helpful for moving through deep emotions and unrest. Howlite is calming; used to relieve tension, anxiety and an overactive mind. Place a piece of Howlite under your pillow to reduce insomnia. A stone of inspiration and creativity, it helps to formulate ambitions and aids in achieving them. Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates the desire for knowledge. Howlite calms communication facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression.
Howlite works to clear a pathway to the crown chakra to connect you to higher energetic and spiritual realms to fully activate your highest self – like a bulldozer that clears the mind of obstacles so that you can see and achieve access to the spirit realm.
Indigo Gabbro (Mystic Merlinite) “Stone of Magic”
- Chakra: Third Eye (Ajna)
- Element: Storm
- Colour Variations: Black, grey with white or lilac flashes
Indigo Gabbro suggests that we ‘walk our talk’; how you conduct yourself every day is the window into your spirituality. You are fully capable of changing and evolving, so if your actions do not match your beliefs, it is a relatively straightforward matter to course-correct and begin to act with greater integrity. Indigo Gabbro helps you look at your life logically, and focus on practical solutions for more peace and good energy. It encourages you to claim your own power and to be confident. It has an expansive energy, that helps you think big and actively dare to make your dreams come true.
Indigo Gabbro guides you through life changes and helps you stay grounded and open to truths along the way. It attracts synchronicities, heightens your intuition, and opens your third eye. This stone is excellent for mediumship and connecting to angels or elemental energies. A symbol of magic, power, and hidden potential it has the energy to awaken your consciousness and reveal your spiritual gifts, natural strengths, and the shadow.
Jade “Stone of the Heart”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Creamy white, pale green to emerald green, blue, lavender-mauve and pink
Jade is a highly valued stone that symbolizes gentleness, serenity, harmony, and balance in feng shui, or the practice of bringing balance to your life and home. Blessing what it touches, Jade is purity, love, nurturing and abundance. It improves self-sufficiency and dismisses negative thoughts.
Jade represents confidence, acceptance, health and wealth. With a long history as a protective talisman, Jade has forever been worn and celebrated as being a stone that is soaked in good luck.
A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and increases love and nurturing. It stabilizes the personality and soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Jade aids emotional release and encourages you to become who you really are.
Red Jasper “Stone of Endurance”
- Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhara)
- Planet: Earth
- Element: Earth and Fire
- Colour Variations: Red, brown-red, orange-red, blood-red
Red Jasper is an exceptional grounding stone that helps you engage with the world around you. It helps eliminate distractions and procrastination while helping you achieve your dreams and goals.
Red Jasper is a gentle, but vital, stimulator of Life Force Energy, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus and determination. Its steady frequency calms the emotional body creating a lasting, stable energy for focusing on health, setting goals and following through to completion, facing unpleasant tasks and having the courage to rectify wrongs.
Red Jasper is gently stimulating and also an extremely protective stone used to neutralize forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution, it helps to clear and stabilize your aura.
Kambaba Jasper “Stone of Encouragement”
- Chakra: Root (Muladhara) Heart (Anahata)
- Element: Earth
- Planet: Earth
- Colour Variations: Dark to light green, olive, with black circular patterns resembling small ‘eyes’ or bubbles
Kambaba Jasper, also known as Crocodile Jasper is actually volcanic rock (rhyolite) and not a Jasper.
Kambaba Jasper provides heart healing and calms guilt, trauma, grief, jealousy, anger, and sadness encouraging emotional balance, especially during times of distress. This ancient volcanic stone helps connect to your ancestors and acts as a teacher or life coach – clearing a path when you feel ‘stuck’. It helps you feel comfortable with yourself and your surroundings and promotes stability, abundance, physical manifestation, socializing, working with colleagues, and even forming long-lasting relationships.
Kambaba Jasper has a special relationship with Mother Nature and attunes you to her frequencies connecting you to the natural world and promoting peace and harmony. It helps strengthen your connection to the outside world, as well as becoming more connected to the people and animals within it.
Kunzite “Heart-Mind Stone”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
- Planets: Venus and Pluto
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Violet, pink, white-pink
Kunzite is a valuable stone that helps in reconnecting the heart with the mind and emotions, removing any blockages in-between the two. It helps to search for answers from within your heart and allow those answers to solve issues in your mind.
The gentle energies associated with the rare Kunzite Crystal represent unconditional love and will aid in promoting self-compassion and self-care.
Kunzite helps you to be kind and gentle to yourself, which ultimately spins from you to other sentient beings. This beautiful peaceful stone is associated with a sense of receptivity, willingness, tolerance, freedom, ease of expression and high levels of empathy. This stone functions on a level of high vibrations, which helps us to nurture our deeper connections with others.
Kunzite opens the heart flow to all different types of love: love for humanity, nature, animals, and the Earth. Kunzite grants kindness, gentleness, and self-worth, unleashing positivity from within to spread outwards. When it comes to emotional healing, Kunzite has the ability to help you establish and maintain boundaries (a good thing to coincide with an open heart).
When you use this rare gem, you will experience love. In relationships, this joyful stone helps you to experience and reciprocate love by connecting your heart and mind. This spiritual gem helps to heal and spread a vibration of love to every corner of your life. Keep Kunzite in your pocket to be able to regularly tap into this loving energy and pass it on to your friends, family or partner.
Kyanite “Stone of Honesty”
blue, white, black, grey, clear, orange, yellow, green, purple, pink
Blue Kyanite for the Throat Chakra, Green Kyanite for the Heart Chakra, Black Kyanite for the Root Chakra.
Cleanses and encourages open, honest, authentic communication, self-expression, spiritual expansion, truth, grace and confidence.
Kyanite (Blue) with Mica “Stone of Meditation”
- Chakra: Throat (Vishuddha)
- Planet: Mercury
- Element: Air
- Colour Variations: Blue, grey, black, green
Blue Kyanite is a high-vibration crystal that promotes a calm mind, tranquility and intuition. During meditation, Kyanite can help you ease into a relaxed state quickly and allows for a better meditative experience. Like every other Kyanite, Blue Kyanite does not retain negative vibrations or energy, therefore never requires clearing. It encourages communication and self-expression as it cuts through fears and blockages, helping to speak one’s truth. It is very useful for public speakers and performers. It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels including dream recall.
The presence of Mica enhances the spiritual properties of the Crown Chakra.
Labradorite “Northern Lights”
- Chakras: Throat (Vishuddha), Third Eye (Ajna)
- Planet: Moon
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Greens, blues, grey with blue/green/gold iridescence
A stone of transformation and self-discovery Labradorite awakens your intuition and innate magical powers. Inuit lore says Labradorite fell from the Aurora Borealis; hence named for the northern lights of Labrador. It shields and protects, reveals the truth behind illusions, banishes fears and insecurities, and builds confidence and trust in the universe. It stimulates the imagination, calms a busy mind, develops enthusiasm, opens to new ideas and brings out the best in people.
Lapis Lazuli “The Royal Stone”
- Chakra: Throat (Vishudda), Third Eye (Ajna)
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Deep royal blue or indigo with cloudy white calcite and sparkly pyrite
Once more precious than gold, Lapis has adorned great works of art from pharaohs’ coffins to the Sistine Chapel and has been praised for its connection to cosmic wisdom. A stone of truth, Lapis encourages honesty of the spirit and in the spoken and written word.
Used to ward off psychic attacks and unsteady temperament it can bring calm and loving communication and help access clarity, integrity, and intuition.
Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth, and understanding, and aids the process of learning. It stimulates wisdom and good judgment in the practical world. It aids intellectual analysis and problem-solving and creates new ideas for inventors and writers. It is excellent for enhancing memory.
Larimar “Daughter of the Sea”
- Chakra: Throat (Vishudda)
- Planet: Saturn
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Caribbean blue with white veins
Activates and unlocks the Throat Chakra assisting you in opening up to loved ones and aids in discussion concerning issues to be dealt with.
A perfect tool when struggling with emotions and attempting to communicate how we truly feel. This stone is especially helpful in removing self-imposed blockages and constraints, Larimar assists you in taking control of your life by dissolving self-sabotaging behaviour, alleviating guilt and removing fear.
This Divine Goddess energy calms tempers, relieves stress, nurtures and clears communication. Releases emotional bonds, patterns or beliefs and attracts soul-mates. Alleviates post-partum depression, and parenthood stress, and cools Kundalini hot flashes.
Larimar is a wonderful meditation stone.
Larvikite “The Worry Stone”
- Chakra: Root (Muladhara)
- Planet: Neptune
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Dark grey, dark blue, black with a blue or steely coloured iridescence
Larvikite is a neutralizer of anxiety. It helps you live each moment without the burden of stress, while also dispelling any negative emotions that may build up throughout the day. Larvikite focuses on the positives around you and will help channel the good vibrations within.
It helps you understand and resolve complicated information and to make decisions that are rational and not emotionally charged emotions. Larvikite makes it easier to take in new information and create new pathways for knowledge to travel and opening new doors for you. Larvikite can help you be more adaptable to new or uncomfortable situations.
Larvikite is a protective and grounding stone. It is cleansing to the subtle bodies and facilitates a strong connection with the energies of Earth, helping to connect with the spirits of Nature. Larvikite can neutralize and cancel spells and repels negative energy.
Lemurian: clear (with frosted looking striations)
Crown Chakra. Also good for all chakras.
Attunes spiritual compass and unlocks soul purpose. Striations are ‘keyholes’ with messages from ancient civilizations. New ideas, serenity, and wisdom. Good for meditation.
Lepidolite “Mood Stabilizer”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata), Crown (Sahasrara)
- Planet: Jupiter
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Soft purple or pink with flecks of mica sparkle and white
Lepidolite, often referred to as the “Peace Stone” is known for its ability to bring tranquility and balance, especially during times of transition and change. It helps to harmonize and balance your emotions so you can function better in life and make healthy life decisions.
Lepidolite can comfort you during the transition and help guide you to a good path – clearing your mind to make way for rational thinking.
Lepidolite contains lithium which is known as a mood stabilizer. Its composition attracts positivity and creates happiness causing you to experience a lighter feeling and more joy.
It promotes stress relief, relaxation, inner peace, emotional healing and sleep while removing distractions aiding concentration and meditation.
Malachite “Stone of Transformation”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Planet: Venus
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Predominantly dark green, light to dark green banded
Becoming rare and difficult to find as resources are depleted, Malachite is believed to protect and transform. It absorbs negative environmental energy, relieves depression, and anxiety and heals emotional abuse. It opens your heart to unconditional love and supports friendships and empathy. Encourages risk-taking and change, breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaches how to take responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and feelings.
Owning a rare stone like this is a privilege and we hope you treasure it and keep it going cradle to cradle.
Why Use Malachite?
- To help release repressed emotions, alleviate stress and anxiety, and promote emotional stability.
- As a protective shield against negative energy, radiation, and electromagnetic pollution.
- Creativity and inspiration boost.
- To ground, helping to connect with the earth and promote feelings of stability.
How to Use Malachite
- Jewelry: A pendant worn close to the heart.
- Decorative Item: To promote a protective and grounding energy in your space.
- Meditation: Hold a piece of malachite during meditation to enhance self-awareness and emotional healing.
- Energy Work: To cleanse and balance personal energy fields.
NOTE: Malachite is considered toxic if ingested, so avoid using it in ways that could lead to consumption. Do NOT use Malachite water bottles.
Malachite Stone Combinations
Creatives (artists and writers) tool for prosperity Malachite + Tiger’s Eye
Personal growth and abundance, Malachite + Citrine
Protection Malachite + Black Tourmaline
Protection Malachite + Obsidian
Moissanite “The Diamond Stone”
- Chakra: Root (Muladhara), and connecting to all chakras (black).
- Colour Variations: Black with iridescence in a rainbow of colours.
Moissanite is extremely rare in nature because the only natural Moissanite came to Earth on a meteorite. Now Moissanite is made in a lab, it’s sustainable, it’s beautiful, and it is more affordable than diamonds, so it is often used by jewelers in lieu of diamonds. (It also sparkles more than a diamond – YES!)
Moissanite increases your love luck and promotes strong, unbreakable bonds and durable relationships. Moissanite helps awaken hidden potential and encourages you to complete your goals. It brings brightness to all spheres of life, eradicates inner conflict, eliminates distress and dispels skepticism.
Moldavite “Stone of Transcendence”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata), Crown (Sahasrara)
- Planets: All
- Elements: Earth, Storm
- Colour Variations: Shades of light and dark green, translucent
Many people believe that Moldavite came to Earth to help the planet transcend its current state. Moldavite has meteorite power and radiates high-vibration energy that leaves some people ungrounded if not prepared. It may be recommended to have a grounding stone nearby when you first start working with Moldavite to help avoid it from being too overwhelming. Coming to Earth from the Universe, Moldavite is believed to have a cosmic oversoul of its own, enabling its owner to connect with ascended masters.
Used for Spiritual awakening and personal evolution. Moldavite’s high-frequency healing increases sensitivity, intuition, telepathy, and the ability to understand channelled messages from higher realms and to transcend time, making it useful to explore past lives or your soul path.
Moldavite helps heal emotions and clear the aura of any unwanted baggage from past lives, heightens a sense of self-awareness and helps to uncover emotions that keep them stuck in unhappy situations in the present and assist in moving forward.
Mookaite “Stone of Transition”
- Chakra: Yellow Dominant Stone: Solar Plexus (Manipura) Red Dominant Stone: Root (Muladhara)
- Planet: Earth
- Elements: Earth and Fire
- Colour Variations: Purple, Golden Rod, Brown, Grey, Red, Yellow
Mookaite Jasper is a gorgeous red and yellow Jasper mined only in Western Australia. It is found in the dry riverbeds of the seasonal waterway Mooka Creek. Its name means “flowing water”.
Providing a strong Mother Earth connection, Mookaite is a nurturing grounding and protecting stone that supports and sustains during times of stress bringing peace and a feeling of wholeness. It helps with difficult decisions, encourages versatility and helps to accept change. This crystal promotes energy and new ideas and encourages you to try new things. Mookaite may help with contacting those who have passed on and energetically is tied to your dreamtime.
Mookaite Jasper is a very emotionally perceptive stone. Like all Jaspers, it is a “supreme nurturer,” and in the case of Mookaite, this means that it can help us to see the emotional patterns we learned as children and the patterns within our families. We can then choose to continue those habits or release them as necessary.
Mookaite Jasper encourages us to be absolutely honest with others and even more importantly with ourselves. It awakens our intuition so that we instinctively just “know” what we need to do. Mookaite Jasper can be especially helpful when dealing with aging relatives or help us become the Elder that our family and community needs.
Moonstone “Stone of New Beginnings”
- Chakras: Third Eye (Ajna), Solar Plexus (Manipura)
- Planet: Moon
- Element: Water
Colour Variations: cream, yellow, blue, grey, peach, pink
Moonstone reminds us of life’s variety of endless cycles, and that each phase of a cycle is a new beginning. It enhances natural rhythms, intuition and inner growth. It soothes stressed emotions creating peace and calm. Associated with creativity, ancient wisdom, love, birthing and safe travel.
Obsidian “Nature’s Glass”
- Chakra: Root (Muladhara)
- Planet: Saturn
- Element: Earth and Fire
- Colour Variations: Black, brown, silvery, snowflaked
Obsidian is a protective and grounding stone, shielding you from envy, psychic attacks and negative energy while promoting compassion and strength. It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons. It brings clarity to the mind, clears confusion and helps you to know who you truly are.
Black Obsidian is a protective stone for anyone who is actively experiencing shock or trauma. It helps us see the truth of situations and to purify ourselves after pain and suffering. (Too heavy for helping with depression).
Black Obsidian helps reveal the truth in situations, to change restricting beliefs and behavioural patterns and to sharpen our senses and intellect. Good for embracing shadow-work – often a difficult task – Obsidian aids in bringing light to the darkness. It is also used as a prophecy stone.
Onyx “Stone of Self-Control and Recovery”
- Chakra: Root (Muladhara)
- Planets: Earth, Mars, Saturn
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: black, grey, white, blue, brown, yellow, red
As a protective stone for thousands of years, Onyx gives strength and promotes vigour, steadfastness, self-control and stamina. It provides protection and support in difficult circumstances. Balances energy, increases self-confidence, and helps you be at ease in your surroundings. It has a calming energy, which can help to reduce anxiety and grief. It promotes self-control, and independence while helping to logically work through emotions like fear or anger and reveal solutions to the causes.
Onyx banishes grief, stimulates the power of wise decision-making and provides you with strength and determination so you can do what is necessary including conflict resolution, as its energy encourages you to sit in non-judgment enabling you to make fair decisions.
Onyx is a stone that offers up powerful vibrations of protection, strength, focus, and willpower. This stone is here to continuously help you forward in your life. By activating your root chakra, you can fully ground yourself to Earth. Not only will Onyx give you the energy to get up and start pursuing your dreams, but also protect you on your new journey. Simply carrying this stone or wearing Onyx daily will provide a shield around your aura, refusing to allow negative energy to attach itself to you. It encourages happiness and good fortune and provides support in difficult circumstances. Balances yin and yang energy.
For students or anyone who is actively learning new information or a new skill set Onyx stimulates logical, analytical thinking and the ability to see connections and arrive at accurate conclusions.
Orca Agate “The Forgiveness Stone”
- Chakra: 5th, Throat (Vishudda)
- Planet: Jupiter
- Element: Water
- Colour Variations: Black, blue, grey, white
Orca Agate harnesses the energies of the ocean and seas it call for forgiveness and internal peace. Known as the ‘Forgiveness Stone’ it aids to mend deep emotional wounds, releases one from negative self-thoughts and invites spiritual harmony.
It helps you delve deep to reconnect with parts of yourself that you have lost touch with, access pure forgiveness, and heal emotional pain to free your emotional well-being.
Orca Agate brings a sense of calm and inner peace that washes over like a healing wave. It helps heal deep internal emotional scars, promotes honest self-communication and offers gentle inner peace.
Using this agate during times of chaos or imbalance assists in creating yin and yang harmony and balance. Overall, this stone brings a gentle awareness of what needs your attention and offers soothing healing for those areas.
This beautiful and intriguing stone brings to light your essence and alleviates guilt, fear, and blame through understanding and reconciliation.
Peacock Ore: iridescent, blue, purple, green, pink
Crown Chakra. Can help align all the chakras.
Uplifts and empowers. Improves mood, decision making, balances energy, promotes happiness, joy, gratitude and positivity. Helps in choosing the ‘right’ direction.
Prehnite “Dreaming Stone”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Planet: Earth
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Soft greens, yellow-green, clear green, olive
Prehnite is believed to increase the power of the dream state, strengthen lucid dreaming and promote communication with other planes of existence. It alleviates nightmares, phobias and deep fears, uncovering and healing the cause. It is often used by mystics for precognition and past life recall.
Prehnite is beneficial for memory and regulating hyper-mind activity.
Prehnite can help connect you to Mother Earth and to be in harmony with nature, Prehnite helps you adopt a healthier lifestyle, giving you more vitality.
It is also considered a “Stone of Prophecy”.
Pyrite “Fool’s Gold”
- Chakra: Solar Plexis (Manipura)
- Planet: Mars
- Elements: Earth, Fire
- Colour Variations: Silver, grey, shiny or dull
A wonderful abundance stone, encouraging wealth, prosperity, and success; with its assertive, action-oriented qualities, it promotes courage, vitality, and ambition. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed.
An excellent stone of manifestation, Pyrite allows you to draw high-frequency energy into the physical and use it to take action in creating abundance. Its frequency stimulates the creative flow of ideas and concepts and helps you to embrace their innate abilities and potential. It also increases willpower and confidence.
Pyrite assists one in seeing behind facades, promoting an understanding of that which lies beneath words and actions. It encourages you to use this insight for the greater good.
A great stone for business and manifesting.
Rhodonite “Stone of Comfort”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Planet: Venus
- Elements: Earth
- Colour Variations: Pink with black or grey
Rhodonite’s soft vibrations soothe pain and gently urge release and change. It encourages you to love yourself so that you may offer love to someone else. It promotes compassion, understanding, and forgiveness and helps heal relationship problems. Rhodonite encourages giving and receiving love. It will strengthen your heart and show you just how strong and joyful you can be.
Rhodonite produces generosity, and happiness and reduces anxiety, a comforting stone that will hold your heart steady in times of need.
During dream work, Rhodonite translates the imagery of your dreams to an interpretation that shows a path in which these dreams can be understood or achieved. By connecting your dreams to the physical world and creating a flow of positive energy between them it also boosts your confidence and courage to go after your goals.
Rose Quartz: “Stone of Unconditional Love”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Planet – Venus
- Element – Water
- Colour Variations: White-pink to dark pink
Rose Quartz purifies the heart, promoting unconditional self-love. Wonderful for all types of relationships. It encourages compassion, and empathy, eases trauma, and gently removes negative energy instilling loving vibes.
A very good stone to support emotions during relationship healing because it inspires compassion and enhances feelings of peace and calm. These assets can cause healthy relationships to thrive, or if things are failing, help you deal with difficult times in a positive manner.
Rose Quartz vibrates love, joy, peace, calm, self-love, happiness, and contentment.
It promotes emotional healing, and mutual understanding, and inspires compassion and kindness.
Selenite “The Cleanser”
- Chakra: 7th, Crown, Sahastrara
- Planet: Moon
- Element: Air/Wind
- Colours: Opaque, Clear, White, Grey, Green, Orange, Brown
Selenite’s significant cleansing effect removes negative influences of all kinds. It balances energy and stabilizes emotions, aids judgment, conscious understanding, and insight. Selenite provides clarity of the mind, expanding your awareness of yourself and your surroundings.
Selenite opens the crown and higher crown chakras and accesses angelic consciousness and higher guidance. It can be used to access both past lives and future lives. Because it is one of the most powerful and effective tools to cleanse and charge crystals, consider dedicating one of your Selenite stones specifically to this purpose or using a Selenite charging plate.
You can also use Selenite to clean and clear jewelry, tarot cards and oracle decks, and other items.
Why use Selenite?
- Clears all types of energy from anything, including; other crystals, rooms, people, pendulums, cards and more.
- Charge and amplify intended energy into other crystals.
- Channel higher realms.
- Deepen meditation.
How to use Selenite
- Wear as jewelry
- Use a slab for charging other crystals
- Incorporate it into your home or office (hidden or as decor) including Selenite lamps or candle holders.
- Meditate for clarity.
- Use in Spirit-based rituals.
Selenite doesn’t retain negative energies and, therefore doesn’t need to be cleansed by sage or moonlight. It is a soft stone and will break down with water exposure.
Stone Combinations
Higher Realm Connection Selenite + Seraphinite
Calming Sleep Selenite + Angelite
Strong Mind Selenite + Fluorite
Extra Clearing Selenite + Clear Quartz
Serpentine “Wisdom Stone”
- Chakras: All
- Planet: Earth
- Element: Earth
- Colour Variations: Greens, olive, black, yellow
Serpentine urges you to live in peace, negate poor judgement and make healthy choices. It encourages you to actively work to resolve conflicts quickly and positively. It engages self-responsibility and awareness of how you affect the world around you. It calls you to become wiser and kinder every day.
It cleanses and aligns the entire Chakra field and opens up psychic channels. Aids in raising Kundalini energy and exploring topics as diverse as cleansing, sex and trauma. Serpentine connects the heart and mind to the natural world and teaches patience.
It is particularly useful for Old Souls who use earth magic, connect with nature and use Serpentine to retrieve past life memories.
Shiva Lingam “Stone of Shiva”
- Chakras: All
- Planet: Represents the light behind the sun, moon, planets, and stars
- Element: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Storm
- Colour Variations: Shades of brown, light brown, or beige with marbled stripes and patches of varied browns, reds, tans, and grays
grey, light brown, reddish-brown; modern-day shape is often oval
Sacred to Hindu religion Shiva Lingam is an elite stone when it comes to raising aspects of fertility, sexuality, confidence, and balance stabilization. It represents the beginning of all creation, a physical manifestation of divine male and female energies. Promotes individual uniqueness and spiritual connection as part of the whole. Activates kundalini, promotes fertility and aids in masculine endeavours.
Shungite “The Purifier”
- Chakra: 1st, Root Chakra (Muladhara)
- Planet: Saturn
- Elements: Fire, Storm, Wind
- Colour Variations: Black, often lustrous (sometimes greyish or metallic silver)
Shungite is an ancient mineral that purifies and protects. It purifies water, amplifies healing and circulation, balances immune systems, and detoxifies by reducing free radicals and EMFs. Shungite combats insomnia, boosts energy and relieves anxiety.
Shungite has been a folk medical treatment since the early 18th century. Peter the Great set up Russia’s first spa in Karelia to make use of the water-purifying properties of Shungite. He also instigated its use in providing purified water for the Russian army.
Shungite is a non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98 percent carbon. It was first discovered near Shunga village, in Karelia, Russia, from where it gets its name. Shungite has been reported to contain trace amounts of fullerenes… a form of carbon which accounts for its purifying qualities.
Why use Shungite?
- Purifies water as an antioxidant and antibacterial agent.
- Used as an Elixir, it is believed to increase the rate of healing, cell growth, and detoxification of the body.
- Helps reduce free radicals (single electrons scouring the body to pair, which can cause harm to cells).
- Aids in inhibiting EMFs (electromagnetic fields from devices: computers, cell phones, laptops and tablets, microwaves).
- Grounds and encourages peace of mind, combats insomnia, boosts energy, reduces stress and relieves anxiety. (Great for Meditation)
- Wearing Shungite amplifies its healing properties; headaches, muscles, soft tissue, circulation, and immune systems.
- AND… if we were still in 1700s, we would use it as a pigment for tinting paint.
How to use Shungite
- Infuse in water (add to water and let sit overnight)
- Meditation concentration
- Wear as jewelry
- Place in your home or office near electronic devices to minimize EMFs (Electro Magnetic Frequency)
- Place near your bed to help you destress and improve your sleep
Stone Combinations
EMF Reduction Shungite + Black Tourmaline
Purification Shungite + Selenite
Calming Sleep Shungite + Howlite
Stress Relief Shungite + Celestite
Smoky Quartz “Stone of Transmutation”
- Chakra: 1st, Root (Muladhara)
- Planet: Earth
- Element: Earth
- Colour: Clear with smoky brown or black
Smoky Quartz is one of the strongest and most effective tools for dissolving and transmuting negative energy. Not only does it protect your aura from negative vibrations, but it also changes those bad vibes into something more positive, including the breaking of bad habits for healthy ones.
Prized for its perceived ability to ward off stress while promoting tolerance and resolve in difficult situations, Smoky Quartz powers up in times of adversity and distress and can help you manifest what is needed to tackle those challenges.
As a grounding stone, Smoky Quartz is believed to counter fear, overcome depression and enhance emotional stability. It aids in focus, level-headed thinking, and organization and promotes a sense of purpose.
Why use Smoky Quartz?
- Turn negativity into positive energy
- Help resolve difficult situations
- Overcome adversity and distress
- Ground and stabilize energy
- Counter fear
- Relieve stress and anxiety
- Overcome depression
- Improve mental focus
- Clear away distractions
How to use Smoky Quartz
- Wear as jewelry
- Keep it in your pocket
- Incorporate it into your home or office (hidden or as decor)
- Meditate with intention
- Use in Earth-based rituals
Smoky Quartz requires cleansing and energy clearing. You can rinse in aromatherapy water, the ocean or flowing water, or smudge with sage or incense. It can be recharged in moonlight or sunlight.
Stone Combinations
Grounding: Smoky Quartz + Hematite
Protection: Smoky Quartz + Rose Quartz
Stress Relief: Smoky Quartz + Black Tourmaline
Clear Mind: Smoky Quartz + Tiger’s Eye
Sodalite “Truth Stone”
- Chakra: Throat (Vishuddha) Third Eye (Ajna)
- Planet: Moon
- Element: Water, Air
- Colour Variations: Royal blue, grey, mottled with white veins or patches
Sodalite encourages emotional honesty, dissolves feelings of guilt or shame, and promotes communication. It gives the support you need to be true to yourself and to accept both your Light and Shadow sides.
With a calm and peaceful vibration, Sodalite reduces stress, calms anxiety, and enhances self-acceptance and acceptance of others.
It can be used to deepen meditation, awaken intuition, instill the drive for new insight and release past conditioning.
As a stone of rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, it merges intelligence with perception. It provides clarity and enables verbalization of feelings encouraging one to speak truthfully and listen in the same way. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust.
Super Seven: (Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, Smoky Quartz, and Quartz)
- Chakras: All
- Planets: All
- Element: Earth, Storm
- Colour Variations: Colourless, violet, gold, yellow, purple, red
Cleanses and clears all of the chakras. Can help you cleanse other crystals and does not cleansing as it stays powerfully clear.
Encourages life purpose meaning, stimulates divine brilliance, past life experiences to unlock for current use. A catalyst for expansion and transformation. Channels higher knowledge and grounds information for useful manifestation.
Tiger Eye “Stone of Protection and Courage”
- Chakras: 2nd, Sacral (Svadhisthana), 3rd, Solar Plexus (Manipura)
- Planet: Sun
- Elements: Earth and Fire
- Colour Variations: Golden-Brown, Blue, Red, Banded
A stone of protection, courage, and luck Tiger Eye also provides insight into danger and helps you stay grounded while pursuing your goals. Particularly useful at dispelling fear and anxiety, it inspires you to focus your mind, promotes mental clarity, and assists you in resolving problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. It can also helpp you recognize your own needs in relation to the needs of others. Balancing yin-yang and energizing the emotional body, Tiger Eye stabilizes mood swings and imbues you with willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence. Tiger Eye as a pocket stone or jewelry may also bring good luck to the wearer.
Topaz (Blue) “Stone of Clarity”
- Chakras: Throat (Vishudda), Third Eye (Ajna)
- Planet: Jupiter
- Element: Water
Blue Topaz promotes truth and forgiveness, relaxing the spirit as well as the body. It allows you to channel your inner wisdom and find the perfect pathway to successful opportunities and attune to your higher self.
Instead of muting feelings and sliding into feelings of overload, Blues Topaz helps you see the issues at hand and redirects energy to remind you that you are worthy, you are wonderful, and your voice deserves to be heard. It helps you embrace your authentic self, trust your power, and become more comfortable with yourself and your decisions.
Blue Topaz soothes, heals, recharges and re-centers its wearers. Associated with compassion and communication, builds bridges between people.
However you want to bring out your voice – speaking, writing, acting, singing – or just finding the confidence and the words to communicate with others, Blue Topaz helps you find your power deep within. It encourages you to pursue your passions while finding new exciting pathways that carry you where you were born to be.
Tourmaline (Black) “Absorber of Negative Energies”
- Chakras: Root (Muladhara)
- Planet: Earth
- Element: Earth
- Super Power: Protection and Grounding
Commonly used for protection and when exposed to uncomfortable environments or going into a situation that will be difficult or challenging. Removes unwanted energy, cleansing and protecting your auric field.
The purification that Black Tourmaline provides is perfect for anyone struggling with anxiety, anger, and unwanted thoughts. This stone will also act as a transmuter taking the negative energy surrounding you and purifying it.
Guards from environmental pollutants. Believed to block and neutralize EMFs (electromagnetic frequency) from computers and cell phones.
Tourmaline (Pink) “Humanitarian Stone”
- Chakra: Heart (Anahata)
- Planet: Venus
- Element: Water
- Super Power: Compassion
A stone of love, compassion, emotional healing and self-love. Pink Tourmaline represents a love of humanity and humanitarianism. It is worn to promote empathy towards others, but can also help you find self-compassion.
Pink Tourmaline helps calm distressful emotions, anxiety and a heavy emotional heart. It helps deal with tragedy, heartbreak, and loss – and offers you a chance to find appropriate words and tenderness for others suffering from heart-wrenching challenges.
Highly valued by people who have difficulty dealing with fear and suffer from panic attacks or need something to help them heal their inner chaos.
Yooperlite “Stone of Light”
- Chakra: Throat (Vishuddha)
- Planet: Jupiter
- Element: Fire
- Colour Variations: The most common colour is green, which is caused by the presence of uranium, also blue, orange, and pink.
Yooperlite was first discovered in Northern Michigan in 2017 and is named after the people who live there; “Yoopers”. It is known for its unusual glow-in-the-dark qualities which are caused by its fluorescent sodalite, bringing “brilliance” to both earthy ideas and celestial connections.
Yooperlite can be used to commune with the spiritual world, attract positive energy into your life, or protect you from negative energy. It promotes clarity and understanding and aids in the ability to see the truth. Yooperlite can also help to provide strength during times of change or upheaval. An ultraviolet light will help you enjoy Yooperlite rocks to their fullest.