Ethical sourcing people and planet

People and Planet

This is the ‘talk’…

Something that can be sustained over time, doing little harm to future generations.
Think stability.

Something that aims to do no harm and lead to benefits/reversal of harm.
Think renewal.

This is our ‘walk’ … (it’s not always a straight line)

At The Oracle, we do our best to climb ‘down the rabbit hole’ and follow the thread of our Canadian and Internationally sourced products. We do a pretty good job, but we are far from perfect.

Cotton Shopping Bags
Feeding Children in Mexico
Be the Change Scholarship
Be the Change Cards
  • 2008 We began printing our tags and signs on recycled paper.
  • 2009 We implemented a rigorous recycling program for packaging and an in-store re-use-it program. Including re-using packing materials to ship our wholesale products and using the wood from crates to heat our homes in winter.
  • 2009-2018 we used proceeds from our “Be the Change Cards” to feed children and support mothers at the Sarahuaro Foundation in Mexico.
  • 2010 We eliminated the use of plastic bags.
  • 2010 We began offering artistically designed machine washable reusable bags at cost.
  • 2012 We began printing our tags and signs on recycled post-consumer waste paper.
  • 2016 We ceased buying or selling sea shells harvested live, including abalone. Our scope includes buying or selling fashion decorated with shells or using shell buttons and jewelry made with shells.
  • 2018-2021 We used proceeds from our “Be the Change Cards” to feed children and aid in their psychological and educational support at Por Los Ninos de la Sierra in Mexico.
  • 2018 Began “Be the Change” University Scholarships.
  • 2019 We helped our suppliers pack in bulk instead of single-product plastic packaging.
  • 2022 We started offering a selection of lab-grown crystals, which have a lower environmental footprint.
  • 2024 We continue to offer University “Be the Change” University Scholarships, ongoing since 2018.

Following the thread of a product can be daunting – but it helps us decide who to buy from and what to buy that won’t have a negative environmental or human impact.

The idea is to be conscious – not feel guilty.

These are the questions we ask ourselves. You can do this too. If you worry or are concerned, and embrace ethical practices – consider the lifetime of the item, ask yourself. “Is it neutral (neither harm nor good)? Can it pass from ‘cradle to cradle’? Do I treasure and respect it? Does it help me in a physical, emotional, educational or spiritual way? Who created it? Was it traded fairly?”

As Zero Waste Chef, Anne Marie Bonneau says “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.”

What is Fairtrade in simple words?

Fair Trade, defined simply, is when products are sourced through a fair supply chain, where small-scale producers and artisans are treated with dignity, respect, equality and fairness in pay and healthy working conditions.

Komang showing us clothing
Fair Trade Ducks

When we buy from artisans and workers in Bali, Mexico, India and Thailand we purchase at a price that is fair to the artist, the Oracle, fair to our customers and, ultimately, fair to the planet – no harm done.

Price is just one aspect of Oracle Fair Trade. We buy from the artists themselves so they receive the entire amount. We advance pay so they can readily purchase the supplies required to create. Many of our suppliers work from home businesses where they can enjoy their family, share meals and create beautiful items to provide their income.

Our goal is to make our sourcing and our purchases conscientiously and in good faith.